If the police arrest you or suspect you committed a crime, do not agree to an interrogation or interview. You should remain silent, answer no questions, and hire an attorney immediately. You have the right to remain silent under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The failure to exercise this right is a primary reason, Defendants are convicted of crimes. If you are an immigrant, you should not answer questions about immigration status. The government cannot require you to tell them anything, so remain silent.

If you are driving a vehicle and the police pull you over, do not:

  • answer question
  • perform field sobriety tests, or
  • submit to a breath test for alcohol before the police arrest you (unless you are currently on probation for DUI).

The State of California requires a driver to submit to either a blood test or breath test for alcohol after a lawful arrest, but nothing further. If you are on probation for DUI, you must submit to a breath test upon request by the police under most circumstances.